- Seven Fugitives (お尋ね者七人) (1966)
- The Turkish Bathhouses of Japan (札幌・横浜・雄琴・博多 トルコ渡り鳥) (1975)

Jan. 2, 2023.Takeuchi_Yoko wrote: 02 Nov 2022, 00:58 Do you know if there is an eta for Yamashita's Big Time Gambling Boss?
Oh and did you read the book about Yamashita, 将軍と呼ばれた男?
Sure. Would be interesting to see what's in there.Takeuchi_Yoko wrote: 02 Nov 2022, 18:05 Thank you \o/
Do you want the chapters/content list? (Received the book some days ago.)
Yakuza GraveyardHungFist wrote: 28 Oct 2022, 17:28 Radiance Films, who are releasing Big Time Gambling Boss (博奕打ち 総長賭博) (1968) in January, also have Yakuza Graveyard (やくざの墓場 くちなしの花) (1976) coming later in 2023 as revealed by their new trailer.
HungFist wrote: 12 Sep 2022, 15:07
Tokyo, 1934. Gang boss Arakawa is too ill and a successor must be named. The choice falls on Nakai, but being an outsider he refuses and suggests senior clansman Matsuda instead. But Matsuda is in jail and the elders won’t wait for his release, so they appoint the younger and more malleable Ishido to take the reins. Clan honour and loyalties are severely tested when Matsuda is released, resulting in an increasingly violent internal strife. An atmospheric tale of gangland intrigue written by Kazuo Kasahara (Battles Without Honour and Humanity) and starring Tomisaburo Wakayama, (Lone Wolf and Cub, The Bounty Hunter Trilogy) and genre legend Koji Tsuruta, Big Time Gambling Boss is one of the all-time classics of the yakuza genre. Paul Schrader called it the richest and most complex film of its type, while novelist Yukio Mishima hailed it as a masterpiece. Radiance Films is proud to present this crucial re-discovery for the first time ever on Blu-ray.